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Lyster, M.E.  (1999). Child Custody: Building Parenting Agreements That Work. [3rd Ed].  Nolo, California.

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On the actual forms, these catagories have areas of specific information and checklists to consider.
The general catagories are provided below:

Parenting Forms Include:

Worksheet 1:  Describe your child

Child's Name
What kind of person is this child?
What makes this child special?
How does this child like the current parenting arrangements?
How has this child's behavior changed since the separation or divorce?
Has this child expressed any preferences regarding the future?
How does this child react to change?
What makes change easier for this child to accept?
How does this child let you know that something is wrong?
Who else is important in this child's life?

Worksheet 2:  Describe your relationship with your child

What do you and this child like to do together?
What are your plans and wishes for this child's future?
What do you think are the most important things for this child to achieve?
How do you and this child handle and resolve conflict?
How do you handle discipline with this child?
How did you share parenting responsibilities and time with this child during the time you were married or living together?
How do you and the other parent share parenting responsibilities and time with this child now?
Are you happy with the current arrangements? (explain)
Is this child happy with the current arrangements? (explain)
If changes are in order, what would you suggest?

Worksheet 3: Adding the details

List of existing court documents, orders or agreements.
Parent's name, occupation and work schedule
Schedule of children's activities (school, religious training, etc)
Children's special needs or interests
Where do you live now?
Do you have any plans to relocate from the area?  (explain)
Do you have any plans for remarriage?
Are there any adult relatives or friends with whom the children should or should not have close contact?
Counseling for children.
Counseling for parents.
Do you want to address domestic violence issues in your parenting agreement?  If yes, why?
Do you wish to address the use or abuse of drugs or alcohol in your parenting agreement?  If yes, how do you think these issues should be handled in your parenting agreement?
Do you have any special concerns about your parenting arrangements?
Do you have any special concerns about your relationship with the other parent?

Worksheet 4:  Checklist of issues for your parenting agreement

Existing court documents, orders or agreements which must be changed to accommodate your parenting agreement.
Existing agreements to consider while negotiating this parenting agreement.
Steps you will have to take to resolve legal or religious issues such as divorce, legal separation, annulment, etc.
Any concerns or recommendations made by a counselor, school teacher, therapist or other interested adult regarding your children's emotional, spiritual or physical well-being?
Each child's current relationship with each parent.
Each child's feelings, reactions or concerns about separation or divorce.
Changes you thing would be good in each child's current relationship with each parent.
Changes that may be necessary in each child's current relationship with each parent.
Current problem areas for children.
Current areas of conflict between the parents.
Changes either parent would like to see in current parenting relationship.
Times when either parent is available to care for children.
Times when only mother is available to care for children
Times when only father is available to care for children
Other adults children will be spending time with.
Adults or minors the children should not spend time with (or be alone with)
Any problems with violence, abuse or neglect that would have to be accommodated
Other comments or issues to be included


Parties of agreement
How long this agreement lasts
Terms of the agreement (Providers, who is responsible for what, sharing records,            decision making responsibility, what will happen)

Medical, Dental and Vision Care
Psychiatric and Other Mental Health Care
Religious Training
International Travel and Passports
Driving and Owning a Car, Motorcycle or Off-Road Vehicle
Military Service
Allowing Underage Marriage
Making decisions
Resolving Disputes When Making Decisions Together
Exchanging Information
Where Our Children Will Live - Schedule
Domestic violence, Child Abuse and Child Neglect
Alcohol or Drug Abuse
Maintaining Contact When the Children Are with the other parent
Reinvolving a Previously Absent Parent
Child Care
If Our Homes Are Far Apart
Special Occasions and Family Events
Outside Activities
Grandparents, Relatives and Important Friends
Transporting the Children
Improving Transition Times
Treating Each Child as an Individual
When Parenting Styles and Values are very Different
Consistency in Raising Children
Disparaging Remarks
Undermining the Parent/Child Relationship
Denying Access to the Children
When a Parent Needs to Develop Parenting Skills
When Nonrelatives Live in the Home
When Parents Have New Partners
Labeling the Custody Arrangements
Separating Adult Relationship Issues from Parenting Issues
Making Changes
Making Substantive Changes to This Agreement
Explaining the Agreement to Our Children
Responsibility to Prepare a Final Draft of This Agreement

Signature and Date of Each Parent

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